frequently asked questions

1 Getting a submitter ID for your website: 3–5 days.
2 Registering the product in the EU-CEG system: a few hours to a few days.
Approval from your country’s regulatory authority: approximately 1 month

You can confirm the registration by contacting your country’s regulatory authority
  • If they have additional questions, they will send you an official letter.
  • If there are no questions, you won’t receive any additional correspondence after the registration is completed.

Yes, the requirements can vary by country:
Some countries have stricter rules regarding allowed ingredients. For example, Poland requires an additional registration fee and may also require a legal representative for your company in the EU if your company is not an EU resident.

If you can’t obtain the necessary data from the manufacturer, we may be able to help. We have a portfolio of registered products and may have already worked with your manufacturer. If that’s the case, we might already have the required files.

According to the Directive:
  • - Manufacturers: Any individual or legal entity that manufactures a product or has it designed or produced under their name or trademark
  • - Importers: Owners or entities in possession of tobacco or related products imported into the EU.
  • - If the manufacturer is based in the EU, they are responsible.
  • - If the manufacturer is outside the EU, the importer within the EU is responsible.
  • - If both the manufacturer and importer are outside the EU, responsibility is shared between them

Yes, it’s possible. If you have the original product files, you can re-register it for another country or make modifications.

StillHave Questions?

Fill out the form below, and our team will contact you shortly to assist with your registration needs.